
JW Solutions founder, Jeff Willey, has been involved in all aspects of metrology & calibration since graduating from the Precision Measurement School (PMEL) as an Army 35H10 Calibration Specialist in 1980. Specializing in RF and Microwave, Aviation Test Sets and Pershing II Missile ATE during his military career, Jeff then worked in various primary and secondary laboratories for major defense contractors, manufacturers and commercial calibration companies. This experience resulted in a more focused interest in primary electrical standards and resistance thermometry applications.

The early 90's brought Jeff to Guildline Instruments to begin his technical sales & marketing career by working directly with standards laboratories across the US and other countries.  This led to a partnership in Benchmark Commercial Calibration Labs, Sales Manager for primary temperature standards at Hart Scientific and a lengthy career with Measurements International as National Sales & Marketing Manager.

Now with 40+ years of experience in the field of metrology and after establishing many personal friendships and professional relationships with manufacturers and clients throughout the world, it has become apparent that there is a need for a company that can answer customer's technical questions directly, provide equipment & accessories that help to solve difficult measurement challenges and assist clients towards meeting their overall objectives in a timely and efficient manner.

Please don't  hesitate to contact us directly anytime to discuss your various measurement  applications, share any current measurement challenges and let us help you plan for any future requirements.

Established - 2009
